Travel Essentials for When You Go Camping in the Wilderness (Or a Campsite)

When you decide to go camping in a forest, on public land under the Bureau of Land Management, or at an official campsite, it’s important that you take certain things with you. Supplies are not always plentiful locally and a Walmart is sometimes quite a distance from the spot you choose to camp at.
Here are a few travel essentials for when you go camping a little off the beaten path.
Creature Comforts
No, we’re not talking about making a mini bed for the caterpillar that may come wriggling along to greet you when you arrive. We’re, of course, referring to a comfortable sleeping back for every person who’s come to camp.
The sleeping bag should be suitably rated to handle the night-time temperatures that are expected locally. If you want greater comfort while you camp, you might even wish to pack a thin mattress to lay on top of. A repair kit isn’t a bad idea too in case there’s an unexpected tear in the fabric somewhere that needs a quick and dirty repair.
When you want greater comfort, how about a pillow and pillowcase? For colder nights, might we suggest a blanket if your sleeping bag isn’t rated for colder nights? You’ll be glad that you brought a flashlight or a headlamp you can slip on with ease after the lights go out. If you wish to create more light across a larger space, then a lantern is also worth considering too.
The Tent
The tent is the most important thing you should pack when going camping. You can forget the extra blanket or the pillow and survive the night, but without a tent, you’re sleeping in your automobile with the seats fully reclined with a lovely crick in your neck come morning.
The type of tent you own needs to be suitable for the group that’s going with you. If you have too many people planning to fit into too small a space, it won’t be much fun. It’s a good idea to buy an extra tent or look at larger ones on the My Family Tent website when you feel the time is right. Also, older tents don’t last forever, and modern fabrics and designs have improved a lot in their durability, breathability and heat retention.
Kitchen Supplies
When you’re out in a remote location, you had better pack some kitchen supplies or you’re going to go hungry. The stove and the fuel canister are the first things that should get included in the packing for food preparation. A pot to boil up some water and a frying pan to get some sausages or bacon on the go is a good idea too.
When you want to have a traditional campfire and don’t wish to test your Survivorfire-starting skills, then be sure to bring matches, a lighter, or some flint. For the wine and beer drinkers, don’t forget the mighty corkscrew and handy bottle opener either.
Along with these items, be sure to include all the plates, cutlery, cutting knives, a cutting board, and other items you’ll need to prepare food read to cook. And, of course, some food and drink too.
It’s a good idea to prepare a checklist for when you go camping. This way, you won’t forget anything and be too far away from home when you remember what you left behind. With good preparation, camping trips are so much more enjoyable.
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