New Amazon Games


Amazon strengthened its entertainment division two years ago with the acquisition of the hugely popular online gaming platform Twitch. This platform caters for amusement games. It is not yet supporting real money online casino gaming. Get premium online casino games at  official site.

The two-billion-dollar buy is now beginning to bear fruits. This year at the Twitch event Amazon released three new games which promise to be big hits. This is judging with the reception that the games received at event. The games have new features that will revolutionize how games are played online.

The senior management in charge of gaming at Amazon have vowed to change the way games are created in order to create a unique gaming experience. This vision is already seeing the light of day in all the games they created for this event. The group of games unveiled this time are not the first games developed by Amazon. However, this batch of games is definitely different from any other video game ever developed.

The games that were released are Breakaway, New World and Crucible. Breakaway is a game in which players choose to play either as warriors or sorcerers. New World is a multiplayer game where the gamers’ characters are on a deserted but dangerous planet. Crucible is based on an alien planet. This game is a survival game.

New twitchThe three games that Twitch fans got to play had Match builder capabilities and capabilities to get player statistics from Amazon games.

Amazon Prime subscribers are in for a treat. They are eligible to receive benefits when they link their Amazon account and their Twitch accounts. All Amazon Prime users with a current subscription can get the benefits that are on offer.

This kind of integration is a first and it is sure to make the online gaming experience a memorable one.




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