How to Book a GREAT Ski Trip


Ski trips are like anything else in life. You get out of them what you put in. There are a billion ways to apply that to a single trip, but we’re going to talk specifically about the planning stage. This is the time when you get to really set the stage for the fun you’ll have, either by yourself or with people you bring along with you. Summit Vacations is a great resource for booking a Ski Condo and also planning your vacation in Breckenridge, but they won’t do all the work of planning for you. So warm up your headbone and let’s plan your next ski


  • Don’t Go Somewhere You’ve Been Before. This is rule number one, and there are good reasons for it. If you go some place tried and true, you’ll have a predictable good time. But you won’t, nay CAN’T, have the time you’d have someplace you’ve never visited before. The human brain is like this. We thrive on risk and reward. We also get stimulated by new experiences. These new experiences act like little roadmarks in our brain, giving structure to the passage of time. They say that time passes by faster as people age, partly because new experiences are fewer and fewer. To slow time back down, adults have to intentionally create new experiences, explore. So when you’re booking your next ski trip, definitely go for a location you’ve never skied before.
  • Plan For What You’re Doing When You’re Not Skiing. A lot of people go on vacation with the expectation that most time will be spent resting, reclining, vegetating, or entirely unconscious. It’s a shame, because resting/sleeping takes up a lot of time, when fun and happy activities can have much the same restorative effect on your tired self. So if you need a break, take a break by making the most of your holiday. When you’re off the slopes, go gem mining with your kids. Take a ghost tour with your girlfriend. Make a bonfire with some strangers you meet on the slopes. Do anything but spend all of your time in your hotel room.
  • Take a Ski Class. If you’re not already the best skier that you could be, why not improve? Most resorts and courses, like the one linked above, will have ample opportunity for ski classes. This is your chance to improve this thing that you love, which will increase your capacity to enjoy that thing.


Your next ski holiday could be the trip you’ve been waiting for. But as with so many other things, it’ll require you to think a little bit outside the box. Don’t get stuck in an old routine. Ski harder, faster, longer than you’ve tried in years past. And make the most of the time when you’re not actively skiing. You may be tired when you get home, but you’ll be glad you did it. Sometimes the difference between a good holiday and a great holiday takes a little planning and gumption.


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