Visit Royal Holiday Vacation Club’s Top Summer Destinations For Sun Lovers


Some of the top travel destinations this summer from Royal Holiday Vacation Club have been created especially for the sun-worshipers among its members. Royal Holiday Vacation Club offers more than 180 destinations in about 50 countries. Cultural encounters, athletic endeavors, laid back, meandering explorations or an enterprise to match each member’s desire can be accommodated by Royal Holiday’s flexible plans. Even original members from the club’s 1992 founding cannot have visited all the destinations.

The club’s many ports of call assure that members have the flexibility of jaunting to a nearby getaway or the opposite side of the globe. Some members opt to return to the same beloved destination year after year while others have an opportunity to choose a different location for each trip.

pelicanSun-lovers may want to start with this list of great sun-basking locations then venture into their own journeys of discovery.

With 38 locations, the United States has more Royal Holiday destinations than any other country. Summer vacationers flock to Orlando, Florida, home of Mickey Mouse and numerous major attractions. Other, older sun lovers prefer Las Vegas, Nevada, a popular Royal Holiday Club destination that is sunny year-round and is also attractive to outdoor lovers. Others choose to luxuriate in the paradise of Kauai, Hawaii, a much-dreamed of sunny destination.

Heading south, top travel destinations this summer from Royal Holiday Vacation Club include 26 in always-sunny Mexico including the ever popular Park Royal which is a top destination. Members can bask in the warm culture of Mexico City as well as frolic at the fun-in-the-sun playgrounds such as Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta and Cozumel. Quieter, lesser known Mexican destinations may be preferred by those seeking a more relaxing vacation.

floridaJust an easy sail from Mexico, scattered in the sparkling waters of the Caribbean, are seven Royal Holiday destinations. Lovers of Puerto Rico can bask at the island’s capital of San Juan or the romantic Palmas del Mar or Copamarina Beach Resort. Beautiful Aruba can be accessed by Royal Holiday members as well as resorts in the Dominican Republic.

As travelers venture farther south, the lucky ones encounter the clear waters of the 20-some beaches that lure sun-lovers to Buzios, Brazil, a sophisticated small town about 100 miles from Rio de Janeiro. Both towns are high on the to-visit lists of Royal Holiday Vacation Club travelers, who have 36 of Central and South America’s finest resorts among their choices. While Mal Del Plata may be Argentina’s most famous water playground.some of Royal Holiday Club’s more discerning members have discovered the charms of Carilo, considered the most exclusive of Argentine destinations.

Across the big pond of the Atlantic, Spain has attracted sun-worshipers for centuries. The country is well represented among the best summer destinations available to Royal Holiday Vacation Club members. What can say sun better than the resorts in Costa del Sol or Tenerife in the Canary Islands?

Two of the three destinations offered by Royal Holiday in Africa — Cairo, Egypt, and Casablanca, Morocco — are magnets for the club’s globe-trotting, sun-loving members.

While a major appeal of summer is the warmth and sunshine of the season, the heat does not appeal equally to everyone. With that in mind, the Royal Holiday Vacation Club also offers many cool, attractive choices for its members who prefer higher altitudes and longitudes as a summer destination.


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