Five Travel Accessories that are a must have

Chances are, you will be doing some sort of travelling this Christmas period. Whether you are off visiting family and friends, taking a few weeks to travel around Bali, or even have a romantic weekend getaway planned, every seasoned traveller needs a go-to kit to help them out in the case of an emergency. Might you find yourself sitting in front of a screaming child, or perhaps you struggle sleeping during long-haul flights? Worry not, there are five travel accessories that are about to change your life for the better. So if you want to travel in style, while keeping your loved ones up to date about your latest travel plans, then check out these must-haves.
A travel app
Not technically an accessory, but having a travel app stored on your phone can help to save hours lost on map reading and pointless bickering over directions. Whether you want to learn a new language before your trip, keep entertained while on the go, or simply are looking for tips and things to do before touching down then make sure you download an app. If you are planning a longer trip, and want to create your own blog, it’s worth making sure that you give your social media a quick refresh too – that photo of you and the dog just won’t cut it. Sites such as Adobe Spark provide an online graphic maker tool, meaning you can create beautiful imagery in next to no time.
Noise reducing earphones
An absolute godsend if you are planning some long-haul flights in the not too distant future, these are great for catching up on sleep and zoning out if you are sat on the flight from hell. Some brands also offer the added bonus of being small enough to zip up into their own travelling case too, the added benefit of being both stylish and comfortable.
Investing in a travel bag is the ultimate accessory to make sure that your trip gets off to a good start. Whether you want to go high end and buy a leather bag that will last a lifetime, or are looking for a sturdy rucksack for a backpacker’s trip around South America, then make sure you do your homework and find the best option for your holiday.
An inflatable pillow
An inflatable pillow is a must-have travel accessory. Easy to inflate, and small enough to pack in your pocket, these pillows can help you rest your eyes on any mode of transport – land, sea or rail. It might not be the most stylish accessory, but you will be grateful you packed it after having a long relaxing sleep on an epic cross-continental trip.
Stylish pyjamas
Everyone deserves a little luxury, so make sure that you pack some stylish nightwear or loungewear too. From easy-to-wash silk to cashmere items that can be easily layered up, stylish nightwear can also double up as a chic outfit for an evening event. A must-have for any traveller.
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